What is actinium? (What is transuranic elements?

  •          Actinium (Z= 89) and the succeeding elements up to lawrencium (Z=103) are called Actinides.
  •          The outer electronic configuration of actinium is 5f06d17s2.
  •          In the succeeding fourteen elements, 14 electrons are successively added to the empty 5f subshell.
  •          Thus, just as in lanthanides, the antepenultimate, 4f subshell is filled successively by the addition of one electron at a time, similarly in actinides; the antepenultimate 5f subshell is filled successively by the addition of one electron at each step.
  •          Just as lanthanum is the prototype of the lanthanides, actinium is the prototype of the actinides.
  •          Lanthanides constitute the first inner transition series while actinides constitute the second inner transition series.
  •          Since, in these elements, the number of electrons in the outermost as well as the penultimate shell remains the same; all the actinides resemble one another very closely.
  •          The chief source of thorium and uranium are the widely distributed thorium and uranium ores.
  •          Thorium is mostly obtained from monazite sands while uranium is mostly obtained from pitchblende and carnotite.
  •          Actinium and protactinium occur in all uranium ores as decay products of 235U
  •        None of the elements heavier heavier than uranium occurs in nature.


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