What is elements of Group 14?

  • Group 14 contain five elements, namely, Carbon, Silicon, Germanium, Tin, Lead.
  • Carbon is essential constituent of all organic matter.
  • Silicon is an important constituent of inorganic matter.
  • Carbon and Silicon are typical non-metals.  
  • Germanium has intermediate character while tin and lead are distinctly metals.
  • Carbon occurs hardly 0.1 per cent in the earth's crust.
  • Silicon occurs most abundantly, next only to oxygen, upto about 26 per cent in the earth's crust, as silica and silicates.
  • Germanium occurs rather sparsely.
  • Tin occurs chiefly an SnO2 in its ore known as tin stone while lead occurs as PbS in its ore known as galena. 


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