What is Group 13 elements(p block elements)?

  • Group 13 of the periodic table contains five elements, namely Boron, Aluminium, Gallium, Indium, Thallium.
  • Aluminium is the most abundant of these elements.
  • Boron occurs rather sparsely.
  • Gallium, Indium and Thallium are not found in concentrated deposits and do not find much of commercial applications.
  • Electronic configuration: The general outer electronic configuration of the elements of this group may thus be written  as ns2 p1.
    • USES:
    •   Boron is used, in the form of its salts such as calcium boride, as a deoxidiser.  Borax and boric acid are also important technically.
    • Aluminium being very light, is used in manufacturing household utensils, aeroplane parts, precision and surgical instruments.
    • Indium, Gallium on account of its scarcity dose not find much commercial application. Its alloys with copper and silver are used in dental work and jewellery.
    • Thallium, does not find any worthwhile application as a metal.  But its salts find a number of used.
    • Thus, tallous salts, being toxic, are used as fungicides, germicides, and in ointments used for treatment of ring worms.


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