What is Group 16 elements?

  •  Group 16 contains five elements namely, Oxygen, Sulphur, Selenium, Tellurium, and Polonium.
  • The first element of the group, they are also named as Oxygen family.
  • The first elements of the group are non-metals.
  • These are also collectively known as Chalcogens (meaning ore forming) because many metal ores occur as oxides, sulphides, etc,.
  •  Oxygen is the most abundant element and constitutes 46.5 per cent of earth’s crust.
  •  As, water it comprises 89 per cent of the ocean.
  •  It also occurs free and constitutes free -state.
  •  The other members of the family, Selenium, Tellurium and Polonium, are comparatively rare and constitute, respectively, only 10-7, 10-7and 10-14 per cent of the earth’s crust.
  •   The general outer electronic configuration of the elements of Group 16 may be written as ns2p   



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