What is group 18 elements or what is noble gases?


  • The noble gases comprise of Helium, Neon, Argon, Krypton, Xenon and Radon.
  • All these gases, except radon, are present in the atmosphere.
  • Radon results from the disintegration of radium and is radioactive itself.
  • These gases have highly stable s2p6 electronic configurations in their outer (valency) shells and, therefore, they have very little tendency to form chemical compounds with other elements.
  • In fact, till comparatively recently, no chemical reaction of these elements was known and they were referred to as inert gases
  • However, recent researches have shown that they do enter into chemical reactions with some specific elements under certain specific conditions forming chemical compounds.
  • The word ‘inert’ therefore, is no longer considered appropriate.
  • It is more usual now to refer to them as noble gases, the word ‘noble’ signifying that they enter into very few chemical reactions.
  • Except helium, have the highly stable ns2p6 configurations in the outer (valency) shell.
  • Helium has the stable s2 configuration.


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