What is Beakers and their uses?

  • Glassware is part of the everyday containers and utensils in a lab.
  • Beakers play a vital role in lab work and particularly in a chemistry lab.
  • A full range of beakers available, each one providing specific functions it is important for anyone in a lab to know which beaker is correct for the task.
  • Choosing the correct beaker can facilitate the process and improve the chances of accurate results.
  • Glass will always be prominent lab materials because its ability to not affect the chemicals or samples contained in the lab containers and withstands most chemical reactions.
        Beaker functionality:

  • Beakers have their primary use. The Griffin and Philips beakers manage most of the daily lab use with measuring, containment, mixing, and decanting tasks in laboratory process.
  • Berzelius beaker are used for titration experiments where solutions are mixed together to generate results.
  • Plastic beakers are specifically employed to carry out gamma spectral analysis and similar experiments. 


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